Ty McBride is one of those multi-hyphenates that makes you believe in multi-hyphenates. In addition to founding cult shoe brand Intentionally Blank in 2014, Ty is a bi-coastal, queer Leo who calls Hudson, NY home. He falls in love often with people, places and ideas. His hobbies include hosting parties, skin creams, cheese plates and long drives to rural destinations - he also has the best travel stories that will leave you laughing until tears run down your face.
1. "You are not the boss of me."
2. "I Bet you haven't tried it twice before."
Dream car: I am not, by nature, a car enthusiast. I love getting to and fro---as long as there is a cup holder for my iced americano, that's my main focus. However, if i could, I would have a 1972 Mercedes Benz 280SE. This was my first car, my dad bought it for me, and it was baby blue. I was a little closeted baby gay zipping around rural Eastern Oregon, and I felt like the true celeb I know I am.
Bumper sticker: Honk if you think my skin is perfect.
Vacation read: I just finished ON ALL FOURS by Miranda July (10/10 would suggest). However, I am currently obsessed with past life regression therapy---so a lot of my reading time (I am an audio book lady at this point) has now been taken up with my 100% fascination on this topic.
Next trip: Annually I take a solo trip on Christmas Day. I leave my family's home early as I feel it is important to carve out my own traditions for myself---despite being single. This year I will fly to Mexico for 1 week. I have rented an AIRBNB in rural Oaxaca, in the mountains. I will start the vacation crying---sobbing, and putting this year to rest. Thinking back on what I would do differently and what has made it special and so on. I am then going to Mexico City to get inspired for a new year. I tacked on a photoshoot for work at the end, because I am what? A work-a-holic that's what!
Coffee order: 365 iced baby! Iced American, micro splash of oat milk.
Road snack: Dried Mangoes from Trader Joe's or black licorice. Both if the ride is in excess of 4 hours.
Driver’s seat or shotgun: I am a terrible driver--not like unsafe or unskilled but more like I cannot be bothered. I cannot focus. I like to ride. I am also one of those sneaky homosexuals who prefers to ride shotgun in all their ubers. IYKYK.
Soundtrack: I love making playlists. Once a year ill send a group text to my favorite people and say "I am hosting a dinner party tonight, send me one song that is elevated, sexxy and will make me look relevant."
I am currently really into the OLYMPIANS, but I am also in this big return to BUILT TO SPILL.
Epic travel story: I was flying last week from Madrid to China for work. I had a connection that I missed in Dubai and was forced to stay for 16 hours. They got me a hotel, and when I walked in a guy in the parking lot asked me if I wanted a ride anywhere. At first I declined as I have never been to Dubai and felt uneasy, then I turned around and said, "on second thought if you wait 15 minutes I'll check in, I would kill for an iced coffee asap, and a tour of Dubai. I want to go shopping, I want to see where people live and go on a drive. Take me into the sunset." He agreed and we set off on an entire day together. At the end of our day, I treated my driver, Waheed, to an Indian style oil massage treatment. At the end of our sessions they put us in these Indian steam boxes. My head stuck out the top and the inside was pumped with steam. To be honest, I hoped to be skinnier after, but it felt great, and my new friend was in heaven---saying he has never had such a treat. He dropped me at my hotel, and I napped until my 3AM flight to China.
I live out of a suitcase----I love travel adventures.
Far West favorites: My Baja PJ short set is something I wear all the time. I wear it out of the house with sandals, and everyone stops me every single time! My main go to is my FAR WEST leather cross body bag, the ELLIE, I literally cannot go out of my house with out it! I love it!